440A Consulting

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy sets out the basis which 440A Pte Ltd (“we”, “us”, or “our”) may collect, use, manage, disclose or otherwise process your personal data in our possession or under our control. This policy is guided and governed by the Personal Data Protection Act in force in Singapore.

Your privacy is important to us. By accessing our platform, website, or using our services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this policy and agree to the terms and conditions herein. 


Please do not use any of our services and/or leave our website immediately if you do not agree with our privacy policy.


Personal Data

1. “Personal data” means data, whether true or not, about a natural person who can be identified (a) from that data; or (b) from that data and other information to which we have or are likely to have access.

2. Depending on the nature of your interaction with us, some examples of personal data which we may collect from you include (but are not limited to) your (a) name; (b) identification information such as your government issued identification number, photos or audio-visual recordings, (c) contact information such as your postal address, email address or contact number; (d) bio-data such as gender and race; (e) personal opinions such as feedback; and (f) information obtained with your consent from your computer and/or mobile devices which you used to interact with our products and services such as IP address, geo-location etc.  

Collection and Use of Personal Data

3. We generally collect personal data only when it is voluntarily provided by you either directly or via a third party duly authorised by you to disclose your personal data to us.

4. We may collect your personal data from the following avenues:

(a) when you access and/or use any of our products or services

(b) when you communicate with us;

(c) third parties to facilitate your use of our products or services or to verify your identity; and/or

(d) any avenue as appropriate for us to maintain our relationship with you.

5. Your personal data may be used for the following purposes:

(a) developing and providing to you our products and services;

(b) assessing and processing applications, instructions or requests from you;

(c) communicating with you, including providing you with updates on changes to our products and services including any additions, expansions, suspensions and replacements;

(d) responding to your queries or feedback;

(e) addressing or investigating any claims, complaints or disputes;

(f) verifying your identity in your interactions with us;

(g) conducting any screening or due diligence on you as may be required by us under any applicable law, regulation or directive;

(h) complying with all applicable laws, regulations, rules, directives, orders, instructions and requests from any local or foreign authorities;

(i) monitoring our products and services;

(j) financial reporting, regulatory reporting, management reporting, audit and record-keeping purposes;

(k) seeking professional advice; and/or

(l) any purposes set out specifically in the terms and conditions that govern our relationship with you.

6. We may from time to time disclose your personal data to third parties, whether in Singapore or elsewhere, in order to carry out the purposes set out above. In such instances, we will always require the third parties to ensure that all personal data disclosed to them are kept confidential and secure.

7. We may transfer, store, process and/or deal with your personal data outside of Singapore as our operations require. We will always comply with all applicable privacy laws when we do so.

8. Our websites and applications use cookies. A cookie is a small text file placed on your device when you visit the site or use the application. Cookies collect information about the user and their visit to the site or use of the application. We use cookies and other technologies to facilitate your visit to our sites and use of our applications, offer you our products and/or services according to your preferred settings, track your visit and use, and to compile statistics about activities carried out on our websites and applications. You may set up your devices to block cookies or remove them however you may not enjoy the full experience offered by our websites and applications.

9. Sometimes our websites and applications may contain links to other websites and/or applications which are not maintained by us. When you access such websites and/or use such applications, you should carefully read their privacy policies which will apply to them. We are not liable for your personal data collected, stored, managed or used by these websites and/or applications.

Access to and Correction of Personal Data

10. You can make an access request for access to a copy of your personal data which we hold about you or information about the ways in which we use or disclose your personal data.

11. You can also make a correction request to correct or update any of your personal data which we hold about you.

12. A fee may be charged for an access request, and we will inform you of this fee before processing your request. This fee depends on the nature and complexity of the request. 

Protection of Personal Data

13. To safeguard your personal data from unauthorised access, disclosure, use, collection, copying, modification, disposal or similar risks, we have introduced appropriate administrative, physical and technical measures such as up-to-date antivirus protection, encryption and the use of privacy filters to secure all storage and transmission of personal data by us, and disclosing personal data both internally and to our authorised third party service providers and agents on a need to know basis only.

14. There is however no completely secure method of data transmission or electronic storage and we cannot guarantee the complete security of your personal data. We will constantly strive to protect the security of our system and all data in it by reviewing and enhancing our security measures.

Retention of Personal Data

15. We may retain your personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they were collected, or as required by any applicable laws.

16. We will cease to retain your personal data, or remove the means by which the data can be associated with you, as soon as it is reasonable for us to assume that such retention no longer serves the purposes for which the personal data was collected, and is no longer necessary for any legal or business purposes.

Contact Information

17. If you have any enquires or feedback on our personal data protection policies and procedures, or if you wish to make any request under this policy, you can contact us at:

Email : admin@440apl.com


Effect of Notice and Changes to Notice

18. This policy applies in conjunction with any other notices, policies, contractual clause and consent clauses that apply in relation to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data by us.

19. We may revise this policy from time to time without any prior notice to you. You may determine if any such revision has taken place by referring to the date which this policy was last updated.

20. Your continued relationship with us, including your continued use of any of our products or services, shall be deemed to constitute as your acknowledgment and acceptance of any changes to our policy.